New England Adventures
It's been a long time since I've blogged because life gets in the way and throws curve balls at us that we have to duck and dodge. Transitioning from Virginia to NE has also be a long challenging process, but I think I'm at a pause point before the next life event happens (lol.)
I have traveled more this month than I have since living in Europe, but it has been good to get out and take pictures (albeit some are iphone pictures.)
The first place I traveled to was New Hampshire to see my daughter and granddaughter.
This out building is near my daughter's house and I have always wanted to take a
picture of it. I was hoping I could get a little closer to get a better photo of
reflection. Maybe next visit.
Empty nest in my daughter's apple tree. Between my daughter's cat and my granddaughter climbing the tree, no bird next has a chance of survival.
Some of my daughter's flowers.
I took this photo while sitting on my back deck. I really looks like two shadows on the sky. If it was 9/11 I would think it was a 'sign'.
Beautiful nonetheless.
These photos are sunrise photos taken across the 'parade field' on base (Westover Air Reserve Base).
9/11 Remembrance Ceremony at work.
I am obsessed with this old gas station. I pass by it every day on my way to work. On this day I decided to pull over and snap a few photos with my phone as the sun was rising.

I pass this lake everyday on my way to work as well. |
On this day as I was driving by I saw the sun rise and had to turn back around, make another u-turn to take this picture and hope that no one hit be from behind.
Adventure to Rhode Island
My first trip to RI and I was not disappointed. Loved seeing the lighthouse, watching the waves and going to Starbucks to get a RI “we were here” mug to add to my 60 + and counting SB mugs. AND I should mention the BEST lobster roll I have ever had. Thank you RI.
Waves breaking at Watch Hill lighthouse.
The flag at Watch Hill lighthouse. There was a nice breeze to help with the photo op.
Watch Hill Lighthouse, Rhode Island. It's not open to the public :(
Adventure: New London, CT
New London Harbor Lighthouse
This along with most of the lighthouses in Connecticut are owned by individuals or various organizations, which is disheartening because a lot of old lighthouses are state or national parks. This is as close as I could get for a picture.
Gate at a private residence next to Pequot Point Beach in New London.

Old train bridge in New London
A beautiful ship with controversial ownership.
New London boardwalk. I'm not sure what ship is behind the building. I didn't venture down the boardwalk (maybe next time.) |
That ends my September New England adventures. Fall is here so I'm hoping for some beautiful fall foliage Until next month head over to Lupji's page for more photo stories.